Blender Day 50 : Blender50 How to set parent to a group of objects in blender and how to use it on lighting and camer

Alright, let's continue. So, we've set up our three-point lighting system or "threo" lighting system for short. We also know how to move our camera, and we've already put our three lights into a collection. Now, here's a challenge for you. If you enter camera mode by pressing zero and use Shift + . to move around and see your creation in all its magnificence, you'll notice that the lighting doesn't change. You can still see the shadows at the back, which is not ideal. So, if you right-click to go back to the original position, you'll face a problem. How can you move around in first-person view and have the lighting move with the camera?

Well, the best solution is to make the lights move as the camera moves. This way, you'll have consistent lighting no matter how you move. Here's a tip for you: Hold Shift and click on all three lights, as well as the camera. This time, all three lights and the camera will be selected, with the camera being the active selection. You'll see that it has a brighter orange outline compared to the darker orange outline of the lights. Now, press Ctrl + P to set the parent to the current object. This will connect all the objects together.

Once you do this, you'll notice some lines connecting the dots to the camera. If you move the camera around, you'll see that the lights move along with it. This will give you the desired effect. If you press Numpad 0 and use Shift + . to move the camera around, you'll have perfect lighting no matter where you position the camera.

However, keep in mind that this method does have some limitations. If the main object changes, for example, if you scale it or if it overlaps or obstructs the lights, you may not achieve perfectly lit objects. But hey, it's still a good and convenient way to group the lights together, set the parent, and move them all together. This concept of grouping and parenting will be used frequently in the future.

So, if all these objects are connected, you can simply hold Shift and select them, then choose the parent object that you want to connect them to. This way, you can easily move all the objects together. Finally, make sure to click on the parent object to set it as the active selection, and press Ctrl + P to set the parent.