Blender Day 27 : Blender27 duplication and well example

Alright guys, let's build the support for the shed. We'll start by duplicating the cube. So, press Shift + A and select Cube to create a new cube.

Hmm, actually I think I'm going to delete the new cube and use the duplication technique instead. So, let's duplicate it by pressing Shift + D.

Now, we can place it approximately here. It doesn't have to be exact, but let's try to align it properly.

To make it a bit shorter, we'll scale it along the Z-axis. Press S and then Z to scale it. Let's make it a little shorter.

Next, we'll rotate it. Press R to enter rotation mode. If you want to be precise, you can type in 45 degrees.

Once you're satisfied with the rotation, grab it and place it on one side of the well.

Let's duplicate it again by pressing Shift + D and place it on the other side. This time, let's rotate it by minus 90 degrees.

After applying the changes, grab it and place it on the other side of the well.

Alright, now we have two supports. This looks pretty good, right? Some of it will be buried in the ground, so don't worry about it.

Once you have it in place, you can select both supports by holding Shift and double-clicking on them. Then, press Command + D to duplicate them.

Let's place the duplicated supports approximately here. If you want a front view, press Numpad 1.

Grab it and place it approximately here, making sure it has the same height as the others.

Great! Now we have the base support ready. We can add the shed on top of it. But first, let's build the structure and then add the tiles later.